(... we are making a show (tv show... podcast... website... etc.), called; "Let's Make Politics!"... and, I'm blogging about the process of making the show.)
Someone suggested my documenting the process of making this thing... in pictures... like local Toronto boy and 'pic-a-day' pioneer, Jeff Harris.
This self-portrait will count for day number.... fuck knows what... of the process.

(... this is an interesting side-effect, it turns out, of having my ribs removed.... the impetus for which was, of course, being able to fellate myself and not leave the house. That's getting head by using your head... is what that is.)
All of this, in turn, reminded me of this old showbiz joke;
These two industry execs are walkin' down the hall.One turns to the other, and says; "Did you see a screener of that new movie?""Yeah.""Well, what'd you think?""I don't know.... I'm the only one who's seen it."
Get it?
See, the joke is.... they're a-holes.
Caricatures of hollywood pinheads (.. to borrow a Letterman-ism), who can't create their own opinion in a vacuum.
They're basically saying; 'I don't know what's popular... so, how can I know what's right? Just... tell me the 'right' opinion to have... and, I'll be of that opinion.'
Now, of course... this is a joke.
These people don't actually exist as mid-level entertainment executives..... no, they've long since been promoted to senior management positions. ;)
But, the broader point is.... we've got to work to guard against our own little worlds... getting even littler. (... it is too, a fuckin' word... perhaps best used in the now famous "Twilight Zone" episode about the alternate universe where Hitler stood three-feet tall; "A Littler Hitler." Hervé Villechaize, we will not see your like again.)
We've got to guard against the dreaded... 'echo chamber' effect. Dum, dum, dum!
That's the pitfall of the net, they say. Given infinite resources at your fingertips, you'll still only gravitate to other people with ideas and opinions that echo or reinforce your own.
The net is just a bunch of rooms in a big building... where no-one hears what anybody's saying in the other rooms... and, no-one in any of the rooms voices a distinct or contradictory opinion or notion.... kinda like the Bush White House. (... oooh snap! Nailed 'em. C'mon.... people, we all smelt the blood in the water with the Bush Administration... I just have the balls to say what others won't.)
Now... for someone who loves the sound of his own voice, as much as I do... an 'echo chamber' doesn't sound bad at all.
Being surrounded by opinions that only echo your own.... this sounds bad to some people?
That's a world I want to live in.
But then... y'know how, some parents will say (affectionately) about their own simple or 'slow-witted' child; "Oh, he's in his own little world."
Just try to picture... little 'Mongo'.... his oversized headphones propped up on his pronounced forehead... a melted ice-cream sandwich distributed equally between his baseball game, give-away windbreaker and every part of his face, except his mouth.
Are you picturing him...? (... if you feel horrible about yourself.... but, mostly because your laughing to yourself... then you're doing it.)
In this picture in your mind's eye.... how happy does little 'Mongo' look?
I would wager, he looks happier than you've ever been in your entire life.
So, the moral of the story is...... let's all be retarded.
Sharp blows to the head for all! Hooray!!
Except......... sometimes, it's not genuine. Neither the retardation, nor the happiness. (see my post; The Shawshank Poo Pipe)
(And, for more posts where I reference my other posts... see my posts; Dicks In Your Ear, Please, Don't Take It Personal...., Submit and Release.... to Dicks In Your Ear, Solipsism... and "True Fans", Oh, you do go on..., "Rabbit ears, am I starting to get to you?", It's gonna be.... awesome!, and Do you wanna be a 'hairdo'...? :)
... where was I...? Oh, right... 'echo chambers', 'head up your ass'-types and fake retardation.
Sometimes.... this 'retard for the masses' thing.... is an act.
(I'm not suggesting here, that little 'Mongo' sneaks you a knowing wink when his Mom's not looking. He's like; "Dude, don't ruin this for me. I've got the world on a string over here. I'm 36. My mom pays my rent, buys me music, takes me to ball games.... all the give-away windbreakers and ice-cream sandwiches I could want. Shit.... she's lookin' over here. Just be cool. Be cool." And then, he goes back to cramming buttermilk ice-cream up his nose.)
No, I'm talking about another fake retardation. I'm talkin' about "ET".
"ET" (or, Entertainment Tonight" as it's also known) was so named for it's wide-eyed, developmentally challenged, space alien's perspective on 'popular culture'.
"ET" has brand recognition in the entertainment news game.
It is, in fact, the brand.
It is, as "Coke" is to cola drinks... or, maybe more like "Kleenex" is to tissues (... in that, when you open it up to examine the contents... it's mostly just snot, some blood and, maybe a few hairs encrusted with snot and blood).
Better still..... "Entertainment Tonight" is that aunt you had as a kid.
Auntie "ET" was the one who never really knew what you were into, at all.
Maybe, one or two vague conversations had passed between you.. in the entire history of your relationship.
And.... your birthday rolls around.
So, Auntie "ET" goes down to the local HMV and talks to the self-loathing hipster behind the counter...; "I wanna get my nephew some music for his birthday."
"Okay", he replies; "What kind of stuff does he like?"
"I have no idea."
"O... kay. Well, I guess you could look at the most popular stuff on the wall. There's a 'top 30 chart'."
Cut to: You, at your birthday party, unwrapping the new 'Maroon 5' album. (The difference being... unlike little 'Mongo'... I never entered into any unspoken agreement wherein I pretend to be retarded and you get me shitty music I've already heard of.)
We come back from a break (.. I went to the bathroom to try and flush my 'Maroon 5' record down the toilet), and Auntie "ET" whispers in my ear; "I've also got a 'scoop' on another rock band. They're called 'Coldplay'".
"Whoa.... whoa.... whoa. Slow down, while I run and get a pencil and paper. Coldplay, you say? Is that one word, or two? That is a fantastic 'heads up'. For... you see.... I have been living under a rock... in a cave... with my fingers in my ears... for the past ten years."
That joyless, pointless and valueless exchange..... that anti-service from Auntie "ET".... is less about the 'echo chamber', then it is about the vacuum.
That sound you hear, as we come back from commercial.... is the same when you press your ear up to a conch shell.
Your 'aunt' "Entertainment Tonight"(.. to use her full christian name) is someone who could know better... should know better.... but, couldn't be assed to try.
When I want to know about what's going on in the world of movies and/or films... I'll take the broadest sample of opinions possible.
I'll check in with the The /Filmcast and The IFC News Podcast and KCRW's The Treatment and KCRW's The Business and I Love Movies and(... though I could go on) I wanna point out these are all free, high-quality and each of the people behind these programs, in turn, have an almost infinite sampling of sources informing them.
I get to check in (... to visit) all their little worlds.... and, in doing so, make my little world.... a little better.
I don't have to live in their world and, most often, I wouldn't want to...
Slate's Culture Gabfest is the on-line magazine's weekly roundtable on what's going on in popular culture... all seen through the lens of a cluster of seething smarty-pants jews and lesbians shoehorned into a New York apartment. And, while some might argue that this is the ideal 'echo chamber' for a snobbish, smug twat, like myself..... I'm very happy to just sit in with them for an hour-a-week, and walk away.
Remember When is the polar opposite of Slate's intellectual circle jerk. It takes on pop culture, through the more simple and innocent perspective of two New Jersey geeks talking from their 'gamerooms'(... quite possibly dressed in Matrix outfits..?), who can really plumb the depths of the Star Wars movies excitedly..... as their minds are doubtless 'unburdened' with things like 'lady sex'.
Both of these shows are so unapologetic for their perspectives that they seem like Saturday Night Live parodies come alive. (Honestly.... just listen to an episode of each and, tell me they're not just Bill Hader and guest host Paul Rudd in the studio.)
I get to visit... to peer in on all these unique little worlds, like an intellectually horny and open-minded Captain Kirk...; "Some people might be scared or turned off by your strange three-boobed planet.... myself, I see multiple places to dock the Enterprise... and play 'motor boat'."
In fact, as a taste filter... content creator... all 'round bon vivant... that's kinda my job. To explore new worlds... and expose myself to alien venereal diseases.
I know(.... like I know the sky is blue and water is wet).... I know that "Entertainment Tonight" would not survive.... could not exist... had it started today.
It is a fat, lazy, fake Aunt.... that nobody actually wants to have over at all.... but, she's family... so, we'll just have her in the background and pay no attention to the noises coming from her face.
What's a world look like without "ET"? It's like saying... what if we had four suns, or... what if we lived in an alternate universe where Hitler was three-feet tall(.... it turns out, "A Littler Hitler" would be an angrier Hitler. Makes sense... give Hitler a 'Napoleon complex'.... that's an angry little dude.)
"ET" adds no value to our lives. It makes our respective worlds littler... not bigger or better.
It makes the minimum effort.... and, happily exists in a vacuum where it will never make bold, unique or informed choices nor opinions. It cannot, by its nature, form an opinion or expose you to something new and cool.
If I remember my high school science, there's no echo in a vacuum.
In a vacuum you can't breathe...... and, no one can hear you scream.... dum, dum, dum.
In an 'echo chamber', presumably all you'd hear is yourself screaming... on an infinite loop.
I'm happy to live in my own little world.... and, to do the work every day to make it a little bigger and better.
That's my job.
And, if I don't do my part.... put in the time... do the work.... I can't add value to your little world... and then, there's really no reason for you to come visit mine.
And, y'know what else....; "Shut the fuck up, Auntie "ET"! Yes, we've all heard of the "Transformers" and "Greys Anatomy"... but, nobody gives a shit! Go sit at the kid's table with Mongo and exchange top-40 playlists. Grown-ups are talking now."
And....... scene. :)
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